Katharine Kerr

Katharine Kerr was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1944 to a family which considered itself British-in-exile far more than American. In 1962, she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, and has lived there ever since. After leaving Stanford University she worked in a number of low-paying jobs while she read extensively in the fields of classical archaeology and literature, medieval and Dark Ages history, and modern fiction. Eventually she met up with an old friend from school, Howard Kerr, who loved cats, books and baseball as much as she did; they were married in 1973. In 1979 a friend gave Katherine her first fantasy role-playing game. She became so intrigued with gaming and with the fantasy field that she began writing articles for gaming magazines, and for some time was a contributing editor to ‘Dragon’ magazine, as well as devising gaming modules. Now, however, she is devoting herself exclusively to fiction, for the simple reason that there are only twenty-four hours in a day.

Books by Katharine Kerr