SuperBetter: How a gameful life can make you stronger, happier, braver and more resilient
A revolutionary new self-help book by top flight game designer Jane McGonigal.
After suffering a brain injury, Jane McGonigal came up with a game to help aid her recovery and battle the ensuing depression she experienced. Half a million people have now played this game to astonishing results: depression gone in 6 weeks in some cases and even terminal cancer patients reporting that playing the game gives them a sense of control over their own health. The book shows readers how to use these techniques to find strength and create positivity: readers can look to their own ‘power-ups’ which are little things they can do to feel better and tackle the hurdles in their own lives.
This book provides simple step-by-step ideas that can be carried out in day-to-day life, helping you transform your life with a new flexible and reenergised mindset. In this book McGonigal uses her own story and those of others to expertly demonstrate how simple changes can result in dramatic life-affirming effects. And what’s more, she tells you how you yourself can lead a more “gameful” life.
Praise for Jane McGonigal: -
”'A candy-crushing, genre-slaying read.” - Jennifer Senior, bestselling author of ALL JOY AND NO FUN
”'Hundreds of thousands of people have had their lives changed by Jane McGonigal’s SuperBetter program.” - Charles Duhigg, bestselling author of THE POWER OF HABIT
”'This book will make you stop and think, then get you to act.” - Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of DRIVE and A WHOLE NEW MIND
”'The facts are incontrovertible: following the SuperBetter rules makes people happier, more satisfied, less controlled by suffering, and stronger in their relationships with others. It really works.” - Amy Cuddy, associate professor at Harvard Business School and author of PRESENCE
”'Fascinating, ground-breaking.” - Gretchen Rubin, bestselling author of BETTER THAN BEFORE and THE HAPPINESS PROJECT
”'A revolutionary testament that game playing is for ANYONE who wants to change their life for the better.” - Stacy London, host What Not to Wear and author of THE TRUTH ABOUT STYLE
”'A innovative guide.” - James R. Doty, M.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Medicine
”'This insightful book shows you how create the life of your dreams, using a gameful approach.” - Nilofer Merchant, CEO, Silicon Valley strategist and author of THE NEW HOW
”'Masterfully written and well researched, Superbetter is literally a game-changer.” - Marc Goodman, author of Future Crimes and Chair for Policy, Law & Ethics at Singularity University
”'SUPERBETTER is an amazing book that fuses psychology and play in an revelatory way.” - Felicia Day, creator of Geek and Sundry and author of YOU’RE NEVER WEIRD ON THE INTERNET (ALMOST)
”'SUPERBETTER delivers mind-boggling, science-supported, health-promoting knowledge and practical steps to bring more well-being into your life in a fun and engaging way.” - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine and author of MINDSIGHT